EU Trade Policy: Liberalization, Regionalization, and Greenization
Currently, the EU’s core position in global geopolitics, diplomatic relations, and economic trade is increasingly prominent. The EU adheres to effective multilateralism and advocates free trade. It has established diplomatic relations with over 160 countries and strategic partnerships with multiple parties. In 2010, the EU actively promoted the construction of banking alliances, capital market alliances, energy alliances, and a single digital market. In 2016, the EU adopted the basic action plan of “Common Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe”. In 2022, the “Strategic Compass” action plan was approved to plan the future security and defense policies of the European Union. As an important driving force for the development of global trade, the EU adheres to the free trade policy orientation, actively maintains the multilateral trading system, attaches importance to the development of regional trade liberalization, and constantly strengthens the concept of green trade, which will undoubtedly play a key role in the transformation of international trade in the Future.
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