Research Status and Future Prospects of Coordinated Development of Rural Revitalization and New Urbanization
Agricultural and rural development is an important component of national development, and is of great significance to national food security, economic development, urban-rural integration, social harmony, and ecological environment protection. The coordinated development of rural revitalization and new urbanization, like “the wings of a bird and the wheels of a car”, is an intrinsic requirement for promoting national development. However, in the process of urban-rural development, the urban-biased policies have continuously widened the gap between urban and rural areas, which has seriously hindered the pace of national modernization. Based on the current academic research, this paper compares the views of scholars at both domestic and international, and makes a comprehensive collation of relevant concepts. At the same time, it combines dual economics, regional economic development, and the theory of urban-rural relations of Marx and Engels to make an in-depth analysis of the coupling mechanism between the rural revitalization and new urbanization. Eventually, in view of the existing problems, this paper proposes that future research should be deepened in the following three aspects: the connotation and interactive mechanism of China’s rural revitalization and new urbanization, the coupling relationship between the two items, and the construction of an evaluation index system for the coordinated development of them.
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