Sustainability in Sanitation: A Comparative Analysis of Cities in Brazil and Canada
This paper presents a comparative analysis of sanitation practices in Brazil and Canada, focusing on the challenges faced and efforts made to improve sanitation facilities and universal access to clean water and hygienic treatment. The study utilizes a qualitative research design, incorporating a systematic document review methodology to examine peer-reviewed articles, governmental reports, policy documents, and official statistics from both countries. The analysis reveals the specific challenges encountered in Brazil, particularly in rural areas and marginalized communities, as well as the initiatives taken by the government to enhance sanitation. Similarly, the study explores Canada’s commitment to sustainable development, including the obstacles encountered in ensuring access to clean water and sanitation, with a special emphasis on indigenous communities. Thematic analysis is employed to identify commonalities and differences between the two nations, leading to valuable insights and conclusions. While the study acknowledges limitations such as the broad scope of the topic and the absence of primary data collection, it contributes to the existing literature on sanitation issues and underscores the importance of a multi-sectoral approach in addressing water and sanitation challenges.
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