Work and Inmate Resocialization: An Ambiguous Solution

Jaime Luiz Cunha de Souza, Daniel Augusto Lobo de Melo


This article evaluates the efficiency of an agreement between the SEAP-Secretariat of Penitentiary Administration of Pará state, Brazil and a metallurgical company located in the metropolitan region of Belém, Pará, Brazil, which sought to provide jobs to prisoners during their sentences. We used qualitative and quantitative research methods and included data on the 240 inmates who participated in the above-mentioned initiative while serving in a semi-open prison regime, after being accepted into the program. Results show a blatant mismatch between the rhetoric that supports resocialization strategies and the reality of the situation, in which such initiatives are minor accessories in the context of the responsibilities involved in managing prison institutions.


Resocialization; Recidivism; Work; Incarcerated; Penitentiary

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