Glocalization Nature of Covid-19 Pandemic: The Nigerian Experience
COVID-19 has come as a global phenomenon with some globally agreed guidelines to curtail the pandemic, yet the approaches in each nation, localities, and communities differ, in order to embrace the peculiarities of local needs, which lead to the essentiality of the concept of glocalization. Although, the pandemic is global phenomenon, but the ideal approach and application is glocalized in nature. Nigeria nation adopts different measures to cushion the effect of the pandemic in accordance with WHO guidelines. The paper looks at the Nigerian experience and peculiarities as regards to the global standard. Primary and secondary source of data were utilized. The paper reveals some peculiarities in Nigerian localities in respect to face masking, lockdown order, hand washing, social distancing, palliative measures and other local innovations. The paper concluded that though, the vaccine for the pandemic has been detected globally but it has not been administered in Nigeria as of now, the citizens must continue to obey the WHO guidelines as they embrace the peculiarities of their local need.
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