A Legal Framework for Sustainable Agricultural Practice in Nigeria
Almost 1 out of every 9 people on the planet Earth go to bed without food almost on a daily basis. Nigeria ranks 20th on the Global Hunger Index, with about 65% of her population confronted with food insecurity. The country has an estimated 84 million hectares of arable land of which only 40% is cultivated. There is huge potential in forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, food and cash crops. How to harness these potentials into prosperity and food security still remains a challenge. The paper is set out to investigate the challenges militating against sustainable agricultural practices in Nigeria and suggest ways as to how these challenges can be surmounted. The goal of this paper is how to meet the food needs of this nation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
The study found that despite various attempts at addressing food shortage in Nigeria, the nation still remains insecure as far as food is concerned and that Nigeria is yet to attain sustainable agricultural development despite her robust agricultural laws. The paper identified agriculture as an indispensable requirement for life sustenance and the best way to end poverty. The paper concluded that agriculture, which is a major platform for national development as well as one of the major drivers of the economy of any nation, remains a very important engine of economic development. A legal framework for sustainable agricultural practice that is carefully designed and implemented with the necessary political will was postulated.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/11307
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