Human Rights of Women and Challenges in Globalisation
In larger context human rights refer to those inalienable rights that a person is entitled to enjoy irrespective of his/her nationality, caste, creed, sex, colour, religion, income or any other socioeconomic divisive category. Human rights are those entitlements which an individual owns just because of his/her existence as a human being. The theoretical roots of human rights can be traced back to the history of ancient and medieval times in India as well as in the Western liberal and humanitarian philosophy. Both these roots have a considerable appeal of promoting human dignity. Human life is given a distinctive weight over other animals in most societies precisely because we are capable of cultivating the quality of our lives. Clearly both-human dignity and quality of life have negatively affected women’s human rights especially with the coming of globalization to a large number of countries. In the name of Structural Adjustment policies, publicly-funded health services education and child care have contributed to maternal mortality, made education unavailable for poorer children, particularly girls. The paper aims to examine the challenges of women in globalization in regards to their human rights in larger interest of women community as a whole with focus on developing countries or India like to give them a life with equality and human dignity.
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